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Castor Church of England Primary School

PE Days, Clubs and Events

Term 6 PE Days...

EYFS: Monday and Thursday 

Year 1: Thursday (Forest school), Monday

Year 2: Wednesday and Thursday 

Year 3: Monday and Thursday 

Year 4: Monday and Tuesday 

Year 5: Thursday and Friday 

Year 6: Monday (Forest school) and Swimming (Wednesday)


Term 6 PE Clubs...


Before school: Year 5 play leaders

Lunchtime: football

After school: KS1 athletics


Before school: Year 4 play leaders

Lunchtime: Cross country

After school: KS2 athletics


Term 5 PE Days...

EYFS: Wednesday and Thursday 

Year 1: Tuesday and Thursday 

Year 2: Monday and Friday 

Year 3: Monday and Thursday 

Year 4: Monday and Thursday

Year 5: Monday and Wednesday (swimming)

Year 6: Monday and Thursday 


Term 5 PE Clubs...


Before school: Year 5 play leaders

Lunchtime: football

After school: KS1 athletics


Before school: Year 4 play leaders

Lunchtime: Cross country

After school: KS2 athletics


Term 4 PE Days...

EYFS: Monday and Tuesday

Year 1: Tuesday and Wednesday 

Year 2: Monday and Thursday

Year 3: Monday and Thursday

Year 4: Wednesday (swimming) and Thursday

Year 5: Monday and Tuesday

Year 6: Tuesday and Thursday


Term 4 PE clubs...


Before school: Year 5 touch rugby

Lunchtime: KS2 girls football

After school: KS1 mixed football


Before school: EYFS multi skills

Lunchtime: Cross country

After school: KS2 Netball


Before school: Year 4 touch rugby

Lunchtime: Lunchtime Premier club= KS2 football (30 minutes) KS1 football (25 minutes)

After school: KS1 and KS2 cricket


PE Clubs in Term 3...


Before school: Year 1 Multi Skills

Lunchtime: KS2 Football (30 minutes) KS1 Football (30 minutes)

After school: KS1 Football


Before school: Year 3 Multi Skills

Lunchtime: KS2 Netball (30 minutes) KS1 Netball (30 minutes)

After school: KS2 Touch Rugby


Before school: Year 4 Multi Skills

Lunchtime: KS2 Football (30 minutes) KS1 Football (30 minutes)

After school: Netball


PE Clubs in Term 2...


Before school: Year 6 play leader training

Lunchtime: KS2 football (30 minutes) KS1 football (30 minutes)

After school: KS1 football



Before school: Year 5 play leader training

Lunchtime: KS2 Netball (30 minutes) KS1 Netball (30 minutes)

After school:  KS2 Basketball



Before school (8:35-8:50): Year 2 multi skills

Break time: Sports Ambassador meeting

Lunchtime: KS2 football (30 minutes) KS1 football (30 minutes)

After school (3:15-4:15): Netball



After school: KS2 football


PE Competitions in Term 2…

KS2 Cross Country

Year 4 Sports hall Athletics


PE Competitions and events coming up throughout the year…

4th October Year 6 Basketball (whole class)

22nd November Year 4 Sports hall Athletics (whole class)

16th January Sports Ambassador training

31st January Year 5 Table Tennis Festival (whole class)

6th March Year 4/5 Touch Rugby Competition

13th March Year 5/6 Girls football competition

19th March Year 5/6 Netball competition

18th April KS2 Cross Country

22nd April Year 1 Multi skills festival (whole class)

1st May Inclusive sports event

8th May Year 3 Orienteering competition

19th June Year 2 Cricket competition (whole class)

2nd July KS2 Athletics competition