Sports Uniform
School uniform is available from Chroma Sports. In addition, Friends offer good quality pre-loved uniform too (see below). Just email them: castoruniform@gmail.com.
We believe that children should take pride in their appearance as well as in the work that they produce whilst at school. We therefore have high expectations in terms of the uniform the children wear and their general appearance. We also anticipate a high level of cooperation from parents and carers whilst enforcing this policy.
Pupils should wear clothes as listed below:
- grey trousers / skirt / shorts / pinafore dress
- white shirt / blouse
- white or royal blue polo shirt
- royal blue sweatshirt / cardigan (preferably with the school logo on it)
- pale blue and white checked summer dress
- white, grey or black socks or tights must always be worn. Children must not come to school with bare feet.
School jumpers, sweatshirts and cardigans are available and can be ordered through Chroma Sport.
Pupils should wear black shoes (not trainers) which are low heeled/flat. It would be helpful if younger children wear shoes that they can fasten for themselves. During the warmer months, lightweight black shoes are acceptable, these must be worn with socks. Please do not send your child to school in open toed sandals.
All pupils in KS2 will take part in swimming lessons and will need a swimming costume and a towel.
Please make sure that all clothing worn in school is clearly marked with your child’s name. This is really important as lost items cannot be returned unless there is identification. Lost property is situated in the glass corridor which leads down to the Reception classroom.
Jewellery: Please do not send children to school wearing jewellery. Only small studs are acceptable and they must be removed before P.E. and swimming.
Hair (boys and girls): In the interests of safety hair longer than shoulder length will need tying back for school. The school expects all children to have tidy hair, the style of which should not impede their learning. Extreme hairstyles such as tram lines, mohicans and excessive use of hair gel will not be permitted.
Children should not wear nail varnish or temporary tattoos to school.
Sports Uniform List
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2:
White t-shirt, navy blue shorts, white sports socks, navy sweatshirt, trainers (not plimsolls)
Sports clothing does not need the school logo. For PE young children find it more difficult to cope with small buttons so we advise T-shirts and elasticated waists on shorts. Plimsolls should be slip-on or velcro.
Key Stage 2 – Year 3 to Year 6
Required kit from ChromaSport:
Boys and Girls: | Blue and Amber jersey top with school logo |
Boys and Girls: | Royal blue polyester polo shirt with school logo |
Boys or Girls: | Navy blue honeycomb polyester shorts - (Medallion Sportswear) |
Girls: | Navy blue skort - (Medallion Sportswear) |
Required additional kit from ChromaSport and other suppliers for all pupils:
White sports socks, Royal or Navy Blue Rugby/Hockey Socks
Plain Navy Tracksuit bottoms
Football or rugby boots, preferably with studs and not blades.
Branded items of school uniform (including book bags, outdoor jackets and baseball caps for summer use) may be purchased from our local supplier Chroma Sport & Leisure, Unit 10, Wulfric Square, Bretton, Peterborough, PE3 8RF. Tel: 01733 262526. You have the opportunity to try garments for size and to make instant purchases. For more information about Chroma please visit www.chromasport.co.uk.
Friends of Castor Primary School have lots of great quality pre-loved uniform available for your children
Getting uniform from Friends helps raise funds for the School, prevents good quality pre-loved clothing from going into landfill AND it’s much cheaper!
We currently have lots of jumpers and cardigans in stock. We also have PE kit, polo shirts, coats and a small selection of grey uniform items and summer dresses.
Request your items by emailing Jodie at castor uniform@gmail.com and she will arrange to get the ordered items to you.
Suggested donations:
£5 coats
£2 jumpers/cardigans
£1 polo shirts
£2 dresses/skirts